Tactical Flying specializes in providing fundamental and advanced training to agencies that provide helicopter patrol support to ground units. Aviation and officer safety are prioritized at all times. Much of the training also applies to fixed-wing operations that use thermal imagers in support of ground units.
Ground units rely on aircrews to provide them with officer-safety and tactical information. When aircrews fail to provide this information, ground units can be exposed to unnecessary and increased risks, and suspects are more likely to escape. A less effective air unit is less valuable to ground units, and in these days of tight budgets, air units must be safe and effective.
How aircrews perform their missions is just as important as the type of missions they perform. For example, some tactical missions, which were historically flown low level, can now be flown much higher and faster, with a higher degree of success. The tactics and technology that make this possible not only increase the aircrew’s effectiveness, it simultaneously improves aviation safety while reducing aircrew workload and aircraft flyover noise. Noise complaints are reduced while aviation safety and tactical effectiveness are increased.
Many pilots and Tactical Flight Officers never receive any formal training in Public Aircraft Operations, yet most airborne law enforcement units in the United States are Public Aircraft operators.
Airborne law enforcement managers often have little or no aviation experience, which can cause inefficiencies within the unit. Nothing in the traditional training background of a law enforcement supervisor prepares them for what they’ll encounter in the aviation industry. This doesn’t mean that they can’t become good air unit supervisors, but they do need to have a good understanding of aviation related legal issues, including Public Aircraft Operations and civil liability. These issues are addressed in the legal section of the classroom training.
Tactical Flying offers introductory and advanced training to agencies and teams that employ the use of UAS support to ground units. Throughout the training, aviation safety, officer safety, and public safety are emphasized and prioritized. This training applies to multi-rotor, fixed wing, UAS, and sUAS applications. Attendees will not only learn about advanced thermal imaging tactics, but also the use color camera tactics and use. Our training applies to law enforcement operations, search and rescue, military, and para-military security applications as well. The integration of UAS into the national airspace system, and more specifically airborne law enforcement applications has been accelerated over the last few years. This is partly credited to advances in technology, and the motivation and professionalism of law enforcement agencies assisting with this integration. Acquiring UAS technologies, the creation of policy and procedure, licensing remote pilots, and integration into the national airspace is only the first step to employing a UAS team. At Tactical Flying, we can help take your unit to the next level. Our training will help create advanced, effective, efficient, proficient, safe, and professional UAS operators and teams. At Tactical Flying, we have taken over 50 years of manned aircraft airborne law enforcement experience, 10 years of UAS experience, and blended these experiences to create unparalleled advanced training for UAS operators, unit managers, and UAS teams. Please contact our staff to ask about training tailored specifically for your team or application.